I just got the Nreal AR glasses dev kit. I’m going to skip unboxing and intro stuff since there are plenty of those on the web already. So this is a day 0 review, what I did as soon I got them. So lets jump right in. First off, the glasses do not fit me… Read More

Recently I acquired a Sun-Plugged Max Solar Backpack. I have had solar powered devices before and never found them to be all that useful beyond anything novel. The Sun-Plugged backpack however has become a resource I use everyday now. The battery is super light and with the tons of adapters, I can recharge my iphone,… Read More

Rockmelt crashed the first time I launched the browser, which is always a bad way to start with a new program. I opened up the two webmail systems that I use and another tab in the same window for browsing. I sign in to Twitter three times and get the ever spinning circle. The Facebook integration is better, it is fairly robust, meaning I saw status messages.… Read More

Whats with me and the cheesy titles lately?  No matter.. So today I’m reviewing iShread.  In my previous post, I looked at Amplitube and was pretty impressed.  iShread is like Amplitube and at the same time, different. First, lets have a look at the hardware.  iShred offers an all in one chord from Griffin Technology… Read More

Ok, cheesy blog title, but still, this is pretty good. There have already been a number of virtual guitar amp and effects products for the iphone and ipad, and I’ve tried a few, but amplitube and ishread (ishread I will over in another post) stood out.  Now, if there is really good product I missed,… Read More

Guest post by @thunderberry –  Follow him! Evernote has long been the swiss army knife of universal capture. Running on Windows, Mac, the Web, multiple smartphone platforms and of course the iPhone, this hybrid of application and service has undergone multiple revisions in its goal to help you ‘Remember Everything”. Add or edit any note… Read More

ok, so I saw a few tweets about this and decided to give it a shot.  And I have to agree, this is pretty cool. Kinda like the wii in a way.  I like that I can curve the ball by twisting the iPhone towards the end of release. Now the only downside.  I can… Read More

Seems like everyone is getting iphones now a days including my brother.  At least around here.  An iphone is not for everyone and pretty soon I will post up a list of reasons NOT to get an iphone.. But this post is about something he just bought. Its a doc for the iphone with a… Read More

iPhone OS update 2.0.1 came out today. So being a risky kind a guy, I installed and tested and here are my results. First off, as an winXP user, and full itunes hater (is it slow or did it crash again), I had to wait FAR too long for the download. Ave 650byte/s. Hey, I… Read More

WOW 2 posts in one day?? Must be the heat. Ok all you iphone users… get this now.. http://www.intelliborn.com/IntelliScreenFAQs.html Here are the instructions.. 1. In Installer.app, choose the Sources tab 2. Choose “Edit” and then add http://intelliborn.com/repo. 3. Goto Install tab, and choose the Intelliborn category, and Install IntelliScreen This is still rough, and there… Read More