Finally.  I was wondering how long this would take.  I have to tried it myself, my general rule is to wait for awhile and see how it goes.  But if you are a poor soul that updated accidentally, then there is hope!!  Now this jailbreak supports 3.2 as well as 3.1.3.  However, 3.2 is still… Read More

{Update} The Spirit jailbreak for 3.1.3 and 3.2 is out. It only took 5 days. I think we are getting a little spoiled now because jailbreaking a new release in under a week is almost expected. Of course, this is just a minor update, so we should not be all that surprised. There are two… Read More

First off, I’m not your typical user, and if you read my blog you would know this; I use jailbreak and LOVE it. However, I also cannot resist experimenting with the iPhone, so once I felt satisfied I heard the jailbreak for 3.0 was relatively stable, I decided to go for it.  However, just as an… Read More

And now we have Redsn0w!! {UPDATE} 3GS is jailbroken also.  Link to story. First off, right from the Dev-Team Blog.. Read this… I’m serious!!  READ THIS!! Here is the link. REDSN0W PROVIDES SIMILAR FUNCTIONALITY TO QUICKPWN. If you want to build custom firmware files with more flexibility it is suggested that you use ‘PwnageTool’ on… Read More

Ok, a joke there.  The fact it was jailbroken so quickly is quite impressive. I would have figured early summer, but the proof code is out there.  Course, Apple has some language in the SDK agreement saying that you will NOT contribute to jailbreaking efforts.  This will not stop the jailbreaking, but does give the… Read More

The dev team is on the ball, as expected. I never upgraded to 2.2.1 because I did not want to bother with it. Note, QuickPwn has been updated to version 2.2.5-2 for the windows users. Remember QuickPwn and PwnageTool are not the same things.. so read up. Here is the link Remember, normal rules… Read More

I know I said I was not going to bother upgrading to 2.2, but the geek blood that flows just cannot resist trying it out and seeing what will happen. That and I feel this certain journalistic responsibility to find out for my readers… (hope this feeling goes away soon 🙂 So I thought I… Read More

When I first got the 3G, I decided to hold off on jailbreak till it was out for awhile and hopefully most of the bugs worked out. Now I’m not saying its as clean as some of the jailbreaks 1.0.2+, but the 2.0.2 pwn’s are starting to look good.  After reading near 100 comments, I… Read More