So your gmail and other Google apps have been acting up?  Screen locking up?  Mail not sending, then when it does you send out 2 or 3 copies?  I sure have.  The funny thing is this started for me the day after Google for iOS5. Now before any one jumps on this, I have no… Read More

Yes, the long national nightmare is over.  iOS5 users can finally say goodbye too Apple maps and use a better system.  And I bet the Auzzies are super happy. 🙂  I’m going to download this puppy right now and test it out.  More later.  Now we just need to wait for a jailbreak to make… Read More

So I played a bit more with the iphone 5, the real deal, not my emulator, and Maps is worse then I thought.  So much that I thought I would bitch about it again.  However, before I let lose the downvotes, let me say right off, the iphone 5 is fast! fast fast fast!  I… Read More

There are a lot of very cool things in iOS6 that iPhone 5 users are going to get. Maps is not one of them. Dont get me wrong, the 3D stuff is very cool, but I do not need this on my iphone. Street view would be far more useful. But that is not the… Read More

Not sure why this took so long. Perhaps dealing with the satellite view. Regardless, its pretty nice. You need to have a desktop with a good graphics card and a browser that supports webGL. The latest Firefox and Chrome should be fine. The two nice points, is VERY fast refresh, smooth transition from 2D to… Read More

Seems that Google has included a Location History dashboard with their latest release of Google Maps 5.3 for Android. The dashboard is a feature for Google Latitude that allows you to view your location history on a personal dashboard at or on the phone by tapping view location history from your Latitude profile. The… Read More

I saw this in TC and have not seen it myself, but I will keep an eye out over the weekend.  Basically, you could have a ad for beer or a bike shop or something based on the search.  Also, it SEEMS uses can inject items into maps, but I think its more of where… Read More