Did you know that the McBain clips in the Simpsons actually make a complete episode if you stitch them together?  Neither did I.  So credit Gawker for putting this together. Now I present you with episode 1, McBain – you have the right to remain dead. {edit}  The links does not work anymore.  Go to… Read More

Just saw this on Reddit.  Had to share.  What does this have to do with games or technology?  Nothing.  Just pure food porn. Ingredients: Muffin Tin (Non-stick is best) 6 large/x-large eggs Bacon stripsandbaconstripsandbaconstripsIhadtousethisfeature. Bread circles slightly larger then the bottom of the muffin tin. (I used a cup and pressed out the centre of… Read More

Yes, this is pure dorky goodness, but I dont care. It works!   I got this retro phone handset on sale for under $10. Last one at Bed and Bath in fact. The funny thing is, just like the original iphone phone handle, this is practical. Its kind of funny how popular this is.  Go on… Read More

Not a lot to say here except, this guy did a find job and though desired a little love. Here is more info from the post on Reddit. I had it engraved (for free!) at Maker Faire 2010. While it was going, someone else came up and asked if they could do it on theirs,… Read More