leaked document

According to leaked images from a T-Mobile associate, the company plans on pursuing a campaign against the sales of the new iPhone5. The new iPhone is due out in late September, which ironically is when the “attack” on the iPhone will begin. September 21st, to be precise. The rumored release date of the new iDevice. (Hmmmm)
Apparently, a monthly “planner” of some sort was sent out to all associates, and one section was titled “Selling Against the iPhone”, and is to start, again, on sept. 21st.
Again, the date of September 21st is just a wide spread speculation of the iPhone5’s release date. But…..
Starting in September, the carrier will also be rolling out a “4g Monthly Sim Kit”, which apparently may, or may not, work with the i5. But nonetheless, the more iPhone5’s sold, the less “Sim Kits” sold, once again taking money out of T-Mobiles pocket. Obviously, a very bad thing for the carrier. (slap on iPhones wrist)
Also, this is not the first time that T-Mobile has “banded against” a product that they, themselves sell! Reportedly, a while back they pushed against the sales of the Droid “Edge”, because it didnt cooperate correctly with their 3g network. And who would want to listen to a bunch of whining customers. Its not like they have a customer service department or anything ha.
Let me know what you think about this by letting me know in the comments below. Or you can follow me on twitter @ichuckydee or e-mail at ichuckydee6885@gmail.com. Or you can “friend me on my *NEW* Facebook Facebook.com/ichucky.dee

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