bing10Bing is now on the iphone.  Now live on the app store. Its looks pretty nice.  The maps are smooth, but traffic is kind of hard to read. The maps fad into each other when they update which is nicer then the snap on the iphone default map, but the iphones is easier to read.  The image on the main page looks like the normal Bing site and there are even little info doors as with the main site. Whats cool here is a little mike in the upper right that allows you to speak you search term.

There are 6 buttons on the front, images, movie, maps, businesses, news, and directions. The businesses button is cool.  Click on it and you are given sub menu, then it performs a search for that category in your location.  There is nothing really new here as far as functionality, but the UI design is pretty good. The search results are pretty clean, giving results and a quick image search. Oh, BTW, did I mention its, free?  Yea, in the App store. I’ll play with it more later, but for now, on to the screenshots!

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