As a TC1100 fan, I was looking up installing Windows 8 on my machine.  Although installing the wifi card is a bit tricky you can still do it.  And for fun I checked up on the TC1100 wiki page only to see the reference to popular culture section deleted!  WTH?  So I grabbed an old… Read More

I have not had a chance to really did into todays announcement from Google so I’m going to do a quick post here with some bullet points video below. I’ll return to this post with deep thoughts later today.  There is a lot to take in; and not all of it is new news. The… Read More

The storm clouds over CES in Las Vegas have been gathering as the Apple, Google, Microsoft and the loosely unified free states prepare for war.  Even though we know Apple will not make their announcement till Jan 26, they will leaks bits and bobs to counter the other slate warriors from having the field TOO… Read More