I know I said I was not going to bother upgrading to 2.2, but the geek blood that flows just cannot resist trying it out and seeing what will happen. That and I feel this certain journalistic responsibility to find out for my readers… (hope this feeling goes away soon 🙂 So I thought I… Read More

I have not updated yet and I have gone over the reasons, basically deciding it was not worth the time to re jailbreak and reinstall stuff.  But I did hear from one person that they though the network was working faster.  Now that could have been cause of the clean install, who knows.. but if… Read More

There is not enough in 2.2 to make it worth my while, but I though I would at least let you all know. 🙂  The jailbreak for 2.2 is already out.  Link to more info here.. but I’m still going to hold off. Here is what I’ve heard is in 2.2 from gadgettastic The iPhone… Read More

Still not going to upgrade till 2.2 has lived in the wild for awhile. Once it seems stable, then I’ll do it. http://iphonegeekclub.blogspot.com/search/label/Pwnage… Read More

  justanotheriphoneblog.com did a quick post on the rumors of what 2.2 will have and mentioned Google street view. Unless Google does something to mess Apple up, it would only make sense that it would.  Here are my reasons why I’m going to bet on it.. 1) Android already has it. Although I cannot see Apple… Read More