So your gmail and other Google apps have been acting up?  Screen locking up?  Mail not sending, then when it does you send out 2 or 3 copies?  I sure have.  The funny thing is this started for me the day after Google for iOS5. Now before any one jumps on this, I have no… Read More

Well its happens to everyone at some point.  Well everyone who is responsible for servers.. They go down.  And today its Gmail.  Gmail has been up and down all day and finally a 503 was spotted.  The outage was very short lived, 5 min or so, but that’s for now.  However, what if you need… Read More

Just read this off CNET.  Iran is blocking GMail in advance of the demonstrations set for Thursday. But just GMail?  Why not Yahoo?  Or Hotmail? Or other email systems? I would guess they figure cutting just one will disrupt enough communications to accomplish there goal. I’m also sure Twitter and Facebook will get blocked as… Read More

Well, no one’s perfect. Some on twitter are suggesting we need a gfail icon as with the fail whale. A few suggested a gfail goat. Sure, why not? So I whipped something up really quick. Other thoughts and suggestions? Also, I just heard from @mager via twitter that GMAIL basic HTML works. Did not test… Read More