A friend of mine in the California Bay Area is putting on a iOS programming class for beginners and intermediate.  Check it out!


5/28 Sat
6/4 Sat

Course Details

iOS SDK Class for Beginners

  • Xcode 4.0
  • Xcode, Interface Builder & Simulator
  • Icon and Launch Image Requirements
  • .PLIST & Orientation Requirements
  • Xcode Templates for iPhone & iPad
  • MVC model & Frameworks
  • Objective-C & Debugging
  • Header & Implementation Files
  • Variable Instances, Properties, Methods
  • IBOutlets & IBActions
  • Adding & Importing Framework
  • Memory Management
  • Label (UILabel), Button (UIButton), Image (UIImage), View (UIView)
  • Simple & Complex Animation
  • Audio & Vibration

iOS SDK Class for Intermediate – Design Patterns

  • Customize & Style Status Bar, Navigation Bar, Tab Bar, Tool Bar
  • Customize & Style Navigation Button Item & Bar Button Item
  • Simple & Complex UIAlert
  • UIWebView
  • Utility Application Template
  • Tab Bar Application Template
  • Add Multiple View Controllers

Share and Enjoy !
