Got an iphone or Android?  We you have known for a long time that you can live stream video using a number of apps out there. However, typical mobile phone users do not do that. Instead they film something on their phone, update it later and share it later still.  What if you could live… Read More

This has been spreading all over the place in just the last 24 hours.  In fact, by the time I finish writing this (and you reading it) I will bet he already has a number of gigs and will be doing the morning show circuit. This popped up on YouTube yesterday and took off.  Its… Read More

First off, I’m really surprised not more people raised a stink about this.  When I checked the boards and twitter, it was clear it was on many phones, but either few people seemed to care or the word got out to go through the web interface to play movies.  Perhaps I’m one of the few… Read More

This is odd. Around 1:30am pst (Feb 23 ’09), movies on youtube have stopped working.  As if there was a glitch that has all flash flv being selected instead of the h.264 codec coming up.  I did a quick check on twitter and seems others are having the same issue.  The odd thing is I… Read More