For most people, probably not. Just in case you do not know what unlocking is; unlocking your cell phone allows you to use a phone carrior other then what is ‘locked’ to your phone. For example, if you bought an iphone that is locked to AT&T, you can ONLY use AT&T. However, if you ‘unlock’… Read More

Tomorrow, Jan 26, if you buy a smart cell phone, its illegal to unlock it to work on a different carrier.  If you already have a phone or buy one today, you are safe.  This has caused many people to think that jailbreaking  will be illegal tomorrow.  No. Jailbreaking is still legal. Which leads to… Read More

A statement from Apple came out today claiming ‘Jailbreaking an iPhone constitutes copyright infringement and a DMCA violation..’ Well, based on what I’m reading from Fred von Lohmann on the EFF site, I’m thinking no.  Here is why; Apple’s copyright infringement claim starts with the observation that jailbroken iPhones depend on modified versions of Apple’s… Read More