Just read this off CNET.  Iran is blocking GMail in advance of the demonstrations set for Thursday. But just GMail?  Why not Yahoo?  Or Hotmail? Or other email systems? I would guess they figure cutting just one will disrupt enough communications to accomplish there goal. I’m also sure Twitter and Facebook will get blocked as… Read More

I put this together pretty quickly in just a few hours, so I’m sure there are plenty of bugs, but I wanted to get it out there as soon as possible. here is the link:  http://www.twittfilter.com/iranElection.php# A problem I have with twitter search during the election is some many RT’ed messages saying the same thing.… Read More

There has been a movement to launch denial of service attached on various iranian pro government sites using standard DDoS tools to simple reload scripts like http://www.pagereboot.com/ Although I can understand the desire to increase the volume of expressed displeasure with the election, I’m not sure this is really helping.  Because the government is already… Read More

Today Zannel released a modification to its service to follow hashtags from twitter to support people posting media regarding the #iranElection hashtag. This would have been really useful 24 hours ago, but still, a great potential resource. Since this was just live today, there has not been a lot of action on the site, but… Read More

{update} I created a search on twittFilter that hides duplicate from a twitter search. This is useful for #iranElection here is the link:  http://www.twittfilter.com/iranElection.php# I’m sure most of you who use twitter are already aware of what has been going on. Because of the media blocks in Iran, social media tools like twitter, friendfeed, flickr… Read More